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A diagram containing the primary concepts in Critical Realism, unfolding with the Critical Realist Holy Trinity.
A table containing a progressive overview of Critical Realismβs transcendental realism as it relates to understanding reality.
A diagram demonstrating the split between personal and societal dialectic along Bhaskarβs transformational modes of social activity.
A diagram demonstrating how judgement of experiences is discerned from the political, economic, cultural, and ecological perspectives that modulate said experience.
A table that categorizes Roy Bhaskarβs analysis of truth and being up to a transformative praxis.
A nested ordering system that drives systemic design from intension to emergent whole systems.
An outline of a cube as a framework for the interdependent domains of life experienced by individuals and their relative societal subsystems.
A diagram of dual initiatives of deepened self-knowledge and transformative engagement.
A table of the types of learning graduating towards leadership oriented characteristics.
A diagram of circles containing a domain of Sustainability; Politics, Economics, Culture, and Ecology with their respected subdomains.
A cube outline used to relate engagement circles from the Circles of Sustainability research method.
A diagram and orientation of social interactions along epistemic and ethical guidelines.
A diagram and orientation of material transactions with nature along epistemic and ethical guidelines.
A diagram and orientation of social structures along epistemic and ethical guidelines.
A diagram and orientation of embodied personalities along epistemic and ethical guidelines.
A diagram of the obfuscation of reality produced by ignorance of unreliable sources of truth and its original conditions of perversion.
A top down view of a brain with a virus describing OECD neuromyths.
A diagram of the graduating level of awareness-feeling (Sentipensar) towards humanization.
A graduating scale of epistemology represented by the geometry of a cube from zero dimension to four dimensions.
A representation of a four-dimensional cube that refracts domains of social life through colors; blue for politics, green for economics, orange for culture, violet for ecology.
A detailed slice of the Tesseract, focusing on the philosophy of language theory, generative grammar, and its inter-dimensional representations.
A detailed slice of the Tesseract, focusing on the philosophy of culture, habitus, and its inter-dimensional representations.
A 4D cube reflecting the multidimensional knowledge types prescribed by the Circles of Sustainability research method.
A nested system that describes human relations from the inner individual to an ecological view of the world.
A representation of mental activities.
A detailed slice of the Tesseract, focusing on bioecology and its inter-dimensional representations.
A graph of categories of consumer technologies used in everyday life.
A diagram of Marshall McLuhanβs tetrad of media effects, two columns intersecting forming five squares, with the media (technology) centered around analysis of how that media enhances, obsolesces, retrieves, and reverses perception.
A diagram highlighting types of bias common communication media against human participation.
A detailed slice of the Tesseract, focusing on media ecology and its inter-dimensional representations.
A diagram the evolving awareness of Self within our embodied personality.
A diagram of Schopenhauerβs idea of the Will, represented as the ocean of consciousness that people, animals, and objects consist of.
A diagram of the dissociation of consciousness formulating the human spirit.
A diagram of the nested development of human potentiality.
A representation of the cyclical nature of life, death, rebirth through karma accumulated in each life.
A diagram of the characteristics of reality experienced within consciousness.
A diagram of the vibrations of conscious experience.
A diagram of causation from ignorance to recognition.
A diagram of interplay between consciousness, memory, and Self-awareness.
A diagram of social frequencies emitting ideal platonic values.
A diagram of the vital life forces that give rise to human self identification.
A diagram of the causal influx of reality through the sense organs as it goes on to predict and affect current and future behavioral patterns.
A diagram of the human sense bases processing reality through conscious experience.
A representation of mindful awareness of breathing through detachment from the moment.
A diagram of multi-dimensional awareness of cognitive vibrations.
A diagram discerning the content and emptiness of experience.
A diagram of dualism.
A diagram of a rear view mirror with fixated eyes overlooking an immediately obscured point of view.
A zombie transmitting a mind virus that compels its user towards violence, poverty, exclusion, and undeath.
A diagram of the process of an de-ideologized reality.
A representation of the analysis of decision making.
A diagram of deepening effects and recurring learning patterns for deeper understanding of a topic.
A diagram of intent listening and levels of social intuition.
A representation of worship as a constant vibrational pattern towards an object of devotion.
A cone that represents a whirlpool of mental contents that concentrate to a point of knowing.
A representation of the wheel of life with inner objectives of human development against worldly conditions.
A diagram of dialogical education between student-teachers and teacher-students.
A diagram of the outline of research methods and governmental programs aimed at addressing the meta-crisis. Behind, a coral reef signifying a rhizome that assembles the scope of methodologies to address the described crisis.
A diagram encircling basic human needs.
A table that presents the mythological breakdown of the American Dream covering political, economic, cultural, and ecological categories.
A diagram and table of the combined graduating degrees of epistemic-ontoligic relationships between; language, media, society, and ecology.
A representation of the Tesseract corresponding to theories of knowledge and being.
A diagram of a shade of a domineering pryamid intersecting with the Life Course cube demonstrating how nationalistic ideologies interpenetrate social life.
A table demonstrating Umberto Ecoβs 14 terms that describes the fascist ideology.
A diagram of a domineering mentality that divides judgement between life and death.
A diagram exploring the interpenetration of life and neoliberal practices that lead targeted ethnic groups towards dead labor seen from the barrel of a gun.
A diagram of a domineering pryamid utilizing education as an example of incantation towards a domineering and oppressive ideology.
A diagram of the interpenetration of conquest.
A diagram of intersecting principles of domination; the encoded objectives towards a targeted group, and the interpretation of decoded response fom the dominated.
A diagram of the cultural-historic activity theory model amongst dominated colinized peoples view from their abyssal position.
A diagram of the cultural-historic activity theory amongst the domineering elite whose charge was to maintain domination across abyssal positions.
A diagram of the splitting of consciousness towards a dualistic perspective, domineered by ethnocentric capital interests.
A diagram of the hidden value of oppression perverting sensory responses and external reaction formation.
A diagram of the insight distortion of objectifying external threats.
A diagram of the obfuscation of domination enacted on victims.
A diagram between the relationship of cultural dysregulation over time begets the worst people you can imagine.
A diagram of psychosocial trauma experienced over time from the perspective of a child.
A diagram of the entrapment of superiority by the elites in a culture being reproduced from childhood.
A diagram of the most common tactic deployed by emotional and psychological abusers.
A diagram of common myths banked into a students collective memory.
A diagram connecting communication and personal reflection inherent to the education dialectic.
A diagram that compares teaching styles that lead to domestication or liberation.
A table of generative themes along sustainability domains.
A diagram comparing the hierarchical versus cooperative modes of dialogics.
A diagram of the conquest of everyday life to domesticate and enable oppression.
A diagram of a bullet penetrating populations to construct labor systems to conscript societies.
A diagram of the web of lies used to manipulate the masses in favor of a private, privileged elite.
A diagram of the domestication and splitting of individuals towards a desired, repressed consciousness.
A table comparing dialogical cultural actions between conquest and cooperation.
A diagram outlining the progression towards unifying individuals and communities.
A diagram that details the confidence in organizational efforts and the conditions for organization.
A diagram showing the intersecting interests between people and nature.
A display of guiding principles and protocols for social conduct.
A diagram of a tesseract interconnecting social relations and conditions for a liberating consciousness.
A table comparing banked and financed degrees of mythology imbued in daily life.
A graph demonstrating the long term investments of myths compounding their beliefs over time, engagement, and benefits.
A diagram overview of the umbrella myths financed within our daily life to maintain systemic oppression.
A digram and insight to the splitting of social character through means of everyday communication channels.
A digram and insight to the splitting of social character through mass media.
A digram of the tetrad of media effects produced by local news.