3️⃣ Ideation

Applying Principles

Modeling and Organizing theories across disciplines for a comprehensive practice.

💎 Dhamma Matrix

The Buddha’s Dhamma in a teaching metaphor, an Octahedron.
Right hand tesseract representing Miri, the worldly view. Left hand octahedron representing Siri, the spiritual view.
Octahedron face in four dimensions, corresponding to The Eightfold Path, Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga, and Naqshbandi principles.
Tesseract face projection in four dimensions. Applying Tesseract Hypotheses, Critical Realism, Sustainability, Dialogics, and Media Ecology.
Octahedron and Tesseract in four dimensions, intersecting as dual polyhedras.

💎 Sangha Web Layout

Initial education app website layout.
Information Architecture for Sangha’s social science theory.
Information Architecture for Sangha’s social praxis for education.
Information Architecture for Sangha’s social services within communities of practice.

🪸 Syllabus Rhizome

A syllabus rhizome is an assemblage of thematic learning towards taking action for climate and community. Based on Deleuze and Guattari’s Capitalism and Schizophrenia series of educational research and application.

🧪 Education App Whiteboard

Utilizing ClickUp, I’m publishing a whiteboard that will aid in developing this Exploration. If you would like to use ClickUp, use my referral code!

🗃️ Process Bookmarks

Utilizing Raindrop.io, I’m publishing an archive of bookmarked websites that will aid in developing this Exploration.